Worship Over Worry

June 13, 2024

“Can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it?” (Matthew 6:27 GNT). 


I love this verse. It’s so practical. In other words, has worry every actually made anything better? Nope. Has worry ever helped fix your problem? Never. 


There is NO power in worry. Now, there IS power in prayer. Yet, we often turn to worry before we turn to prayer. 


And, there is a difference between worrying about something and thinking about it a lot and taking it to God in prayer. Praying about a problem is having a conversation with God about it. It’s going to the power source with your problem and asking him to help you, and then choosing to let him.


The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (NLT)


God personally cares about you and for your needs. So, all those things you’re stressed, anxious, and worried about? Let them go. Give them to God.


Again, how do you “give them” to God? You talk to him about it and then choose to trust him. Whenever you are tempted to worry, you get God involved. You tell him. Then, you surrender your worried feelings over to him and choose to trust him instead.


Worry also robs you. How? “So don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34 NCV).


If you’re worrying about tomorrow, you can’t enjoy today. You miss today’s blessings. It’s okay to plan for tomorrow, but you have to live for today. Also, when you’re always worried about tomorrow, the future gets overwhelming. But God will give you the grace and strength you need when you get there. Right now, you only need enough power for today.


If you want to lower the stress in your life, worry about nothing and pray about everything. How you react is your choice when you are tempted to worry.


Don’t panic, pray.

Don’t worry, worship.

That’s how battles are fought and won.

5070 Orange Blvd, Sanford, FL 32713.

407-324-0199•  joann@seminolechurch.com

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