December 12, 2024
Put yourself in Mary’s shoes. She was a young woman when an angel told her she would give birth to a son—even though she had never been with a man.
And her baby’s father? God.
The Bible says she responded to this news just like any of us would—she worried. “Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean” (Luke 1:29 NLT).
Imagine all the fears going through Mary’s mind.
First, there was the fear of criticism: “How am I going to tell my mom? How am I going to tell Joseph? What will people think?” Then you have the fear of inadequacy: “How in the world am I supposed to be the mother of the son of God?” Then, of course, she faced the fear of change: “How many ways is this going to change my life?”
You can’t blame Mary for being afraid.
This Christmas you might be in Mary’s shoes. You don’t know what 2025 has in store for you. Your future looks uncertain. You are uncomfortable with change. Things don't always make sense. So, you’re worrying.
Worry is essentially a control issue. It’s trying to control the uncontrollable. We can’t control the economy, so we worry about the economy. We can’t control our children, so we worry about our children. We can’t control the future, so we worry about the future. But worry never solves anything!
What does Mary do with her worry and fears?
She changes her perspective and leans on the promises of God. And, Mary knew God’s Word. Later in the book of Luke, she sang a song containing around 10 Old Testament verses.
She knew God’s Word. She chose to trust in God’s Word and God’s promises.
So, when the angel came to her, Mary pondered in her heart all the things she knew to be true of God from his Word: “God loves me. God chose me. God is with me. Nothing is impossible with God. I can handle this—not because of my strength, but because of God’s presence.”
Then she chose to believe God’s Word over her own fears. She said: “Yes, I see it all now: I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me just as you say” (Luke 1:38 The Message).
Mary wisely surrendered to the will of God. She was like King David, who said: “My God, I want to do what you want” (Psalm 40:8 NCV).
Wise people say, “Whatever God wants for my life, I’m in. I may not understand it, but I’ll do his will.”
The Bible says, “Mary treasured [the things God told her] and continued to think about them” (Luke 2:19 NCV).
God blessed Mary because she chose to believe God’s Word instead of her fears. He wants you to do the same.
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