Making the Decision to Change

January 10, 2024

It’s not enough to want to change. It’s not even enough to say, “I have a dream of changing.” Dreams are worthless unless you wake up and actually act on them. You’re not going to change the problems in your life until you choose to change.


When it comes to your physical health… you can’t just WANT change. You have to make a choice to eat differently and move your body. That’s how change happens.


How are you going to be different in six months? A year from now? Are you going to be emotionally stronger? Are you going to be mentally sharper? Are you going to be physically healthier? Are you going to be more spiritually mature?


It isn’t going to happen automatically. You aren’t just going to get healthier by accident in any category of your life. A lot of times we think we’re waiting on God to change us. But, really, God is waiting on us to get up and act in faith.


Some of you are stuck right now because you haven’t learned how to let go. That’s a choice. Ephesians 4:22 says, “Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception” (NLT).


Here’s the good news: Once you become a believer, you have a new power in you that is greater than those old tendencies. That power is the Holy Spirit.


Philippians 2:12-13 says, “Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose” (NIV).


Does that mean you are supposed to be afraid of God? Of course not! It means be afraid that you’ll miss God’s best and waste your life. Be afraid that you will go your entire life and never know God’s purpose.

The secret to changing your life is not willpower. It’s God giving you the will and the power through the Holy Spirit to do what needs to be done.


The Holy Spirit does the changing. We do the cooperating and obeying. But, it is a choice. God will not force this on you.


Do you really want to change? If yes, then I encourage you to be intentional about your growth. Do something about it. Make the choice to change.


What has God asked you to do that you have not done yet? Go and do that, then take the next step. You will see real, lasting change when you make the choice to cooperate with God as he changes you from the inside out.

5070 Orange Blvd, Sanford, FL 32713.


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