Faith for the Next 24 Hours

January 12, 2023

Matthew 6:34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

This verse is saying, “don't borrow trouble for tomorrow. I'm going to give you enough grace for today. I'm not going to give you the grace for

tomorrow until you get to tomorrow.”

There's a couple reasons why we should only live one day at a time. First, when we worry about tomorrow's problems, we miss all the blessings of today.

Some of us, we got something coming up in two weeks or a month and it's scaring us to death and we're making it worse because we're ruining

every day between now and then by worrying about it. We're missing today's blessing. Some people are so worried about retirement, they're

not enjoying today. They're missing the blessing of today. He says, “I don't want you doing that. Take it one day at a time.” 

The other reason is we cannot solve tomorrow's problems with today's power. When we get there, tomorrow, God will give us the power and the perspective and the grace and the wisdom. He'll give us what we need we get there.

The Bible does not say, "Give us this day our weekly bread." No, we're to pray, "Give me today my daily bread. Give me just enough strength to make it through the day." He wants us to depend on him one day at a time.

It's okay to plan for tomorrow. It's okay to plan for the future, just don't worry about the future. Planning is good. Worrying is bad. And, it

doesn’t help you one bit. We can plan for tomorrow but we can't live in tomorrow. We can only live today.

Now I know that the future can often seem very overwhelming. God graciously divided it up into 24 hour segments so we don't get all the future at once. We get it 24 hours at a time.

Matthew 6:34 (MSG) Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen

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