March 21, 2024
If I were to ask you what you considered to be the most common emotional pain in our society, what would you say? Depression? Anxiety? Guilt? Sociologists tell us that the most common emotional pain in our society is loneliness. Loneliness is near the top of almost every list.
When we think of people who fear loneliness we almost automatically think of someone who is single. Some of the loneliest people I’ve met over the years were NOT single. They were married. Even though their spouse came home every night their marriage had deteriorated to the point that they felt very isolated and all alone. I’ve met people from big families who felt alone.
Have you ever been lonely? Have you ever been alone? What does God have to say about loneliness?
Genesis 2:18 "It is not good for man to be alone."
God had put Adam in the Garden of Eden where everything was perfect, everything he could possibly want was there. There were no problems, no sin, no heartaches, no suffering. Yet the first thing God said wasn't good was loneliness. Even in Eden, He said, it's not good for man to be alone.
He's provided for us three resources -- remedies -- to reduce the pain of loneliness in our lives while we're here on earth.
Three things God gives to reduce the pain of loneliness in our lives.
When you're focusing on God's plan for your life, you don't have a lot of time to have pity parties or feel lonely. You focus on what God wants you to do. One of the things we talk about a lot here at SCC is that God has a purpose and a plan for your life. When you are connecting with God in a relationship with him and when you are discovering your purpose and his plans as he reveals them to you, it is difficult to feel alone or like your life doesn’t have meaning.
Psalm 68:6 "God places the lonely in families."
If you're a believer you have family. The church is the family of God. It is to be an extended family. Part of the purpose of Seminole Church is to provide you relationship opportunities. We have lots of opportunities to develop close friends, not acquaintances, but close friends, so that when you go through the inevitable crises of life somebody's there to help you out and lend a hand. The church provides these but you've got to take the step and take advantage of these. Meet some people. Discover they are in a small group. Join the small group, make friendships, Don’t just attend but get involved. It’s an easy path.
Ps. 139:7 "I can never get away from your presence"
You cannot escape from God's presence. God is everywhere. He is omnipresent. No matter where you go this next week, God's going to be there. You cannot escape from His presence. HE is as deep as you fall, HE is as high as you climb, HE is as wide as you wander off the path. If you're a believer, He's in you.
Now this is no encouragement at all unless you sense His presence, feel His presence, experience His presence. He can be all around you but it is no help at all unless you know He's there and are able to take advantage of that.
What are some practical ways you can connect with the people God has placed in your life this week? And, how will you remain in God's presence today?
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