5 Ways to Live a Happier Life

July 18, 2024

We all know the right things that will make you physically healthy. They are simple. Eat right, exercise, drink water, get rest. We know the right things to do, but do we always do them? Not everyone. Not all the time. 

The apostle Paul gives us five, simple exercises for a happy heart. They are simple. But simple does not always mean easy. These exercises may be simple to understand, but they sure are a lot harder to do.

I need to remember that God is with me, he’s in me and he’s for me.

No matter what you're facing, no matter what you’re going to face this next week, you’re not going to face it alone. God is with you, He is in you and He is for you. But, we have to remember this and then live like we believe it. 

Philippians 2:13 “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”  

I need to be grateful and never grumble.

We are as happy as we choose to be.

Philippians 2:14-15a “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you.”  

That may be one of the most difficult verses in the Bible. Would you agree with that? Do everything without complaining or arguing so that nobody can criticize you. We are complainers. The Bible says if we want to be happy we’ve got to be grateful and never grumble.

I need to keep my conscience clear.

Because one of the things that causes us to lose our happiness is feeling guilty or feeling ashamed. The Bible says if you want to be happy you’ve got to get rid of guilt. You cannot be guilty and happy at the same time. 

Philippians 2:15 “Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.”  

And, the best part about this step is that scripture tells us time and time again that God is quick and faithful to forgive. We don't have to beg him or hope that he will forgive us. He promises to forgive us if we turn to him.

I need to memorize God’s Word & live it.

Philippians 2:16 “Hold firmly to the Word of Life.”   

Usually we’re looking for happiness in all the wrong places. God says happiness is found in the path of God’s commands. God's Word is truth. God's Word contains promises and hope that we can cling to even when we don't "feel" happy, it can give us inner peace and joy that transcends our circumstances.

I need to use my life to serve God by serving others.

If we're serious about happiness, we need to use our lives to serve God by serving others.

Matthew 25:40 “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’"

When you’re polite to people, when you’re nice to people, when you’re friendly, when you’re helpful, when you serve others, God says, “it’s like serving me.”

Happiness comes from service. God wired the universe so that you are most happy when you are giving your life away. Why? Because he wants us to become like him.

5070 Orange Blvd, Sanford, FL 32713.

407-324-0199•  joann@seminolechurch.com

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